Ulrika tävlade i nya klubbdräkten!

Ulrika competed in the new club uniform!

Ulrika inaugurated our new triathlon suit at Sala Silverman

Ulrika tells the story of the competition in her own words.

"This weekend it was time for Sala Silverman and the Swedish Middle Distance Championships (triathlon). Sala Silverman also celebrated its 20th anniversary this year! For me, it meant competing on home turf. We had a tough start to the swimming with strong winds, so strong that even buoys moved during the competition itself. The wind also turned out to be tough on the cycling, as the course is a three-lap course, it became very clear to me how tough the coming laps would be due to strong head and side winds on the cycling. The running course was new this year and was fun and it was both in a residential area where people had moved out of their gardens to cheer on us competitors, but also running in beautiful forests!"

- For me, the race resulted in second place and a silver medal in my age group at the National Championships! 🥈

- I also had the club's new trisuit at the competition and I hadn't had time to train long sessions in it before so it was a gamble. A gamble that paid off, the suit was really comfortable, it dried quickly, is really thin and fits really well on the body! 💜

Who is Ulrika?

"I am 38 years old and live with my husband and our 10-year-old son in Sala. I am a trained sociologist and have my own business and currently work as a consultant in social work. I mostly run triathlons and I ran my first sprint in 2015 and have been a regular since then. In 2018 I ran my first middle distance and since then I have run five more middle distances and ran Ironman Kalmar in 2022 and 2023. This year the focus has been on middle distance and I have competed in both Jönköping (Ironman 70.3) and Sala Silverman. By 2025 the big goal will be Ironman Kalmar again!"

You can find Ulrika on Instagram @ulrikaekstromemnerud

- As a biased Sala resident, I really want to take the opportunity to recommend Silverman, it's a fantastic competition and really well organized! - says Ulrika

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